Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Last 5 Months...What a whirlwind!

Over the last 5 months I have been fired, been in my first real car accident, learned how to live frugally, gone off my postpartum meds, wanted to go back on my meds, lost 7 lbs, watched my baby become mobile, realized how much my husband will sacrifice for his family, and have seen God continually provide! We have lost 1/2 of our income and still we have a beautiful home, lots of heat, and more food than we really need.

In November I was fired for misrepresentation of time worked. What this boils down to was that they felt I was not using enough vacation time when I was pumping breast milk for Brady. I learned when I was denied unemployment that this was mostly due to the fact that they couldn't really track how long I was away from my desk since I was not clocking in and out for pumping because I used a combination of break time and PTO. At the time I really was enraged, but now it has settled down to a low, bitter, simmer. Not really much better. I still find it hard to believe that a hospital with a 'baby friendly' accreditation for supporting breastfeeding mothers would make it so difficult, and not have a standardized, consistant pumping policy for it's lactating employees. Unfortunately I was not discriminated against and Wisconsin law only requires employers to provide a place to pump and has not guidelines on providing time to pump. These things, combined with Wisconsin employers legal ability to fire you for anything, leave me high and dry.

On December 26th I was in my first, and hopefully last car accident. Andy, Lauren, Trisha, Brady, Carter and I were riding home from family Christmas in the big white truck (which by the way is for sale.) We came upon an unmarked intersection and slid into the ditch going about 10-15 mph. The ditch looked safe enough because of the snow, but it turned out to have a steep wall on the other side which we hit head on. I only had a lap belt on. The impact sent my head and knees into the dash. I had my first ambulance ride and second CT scan. Praise God that I walked out of the ER with only bumps and bruises and that everyone else in the vehicle was safe. $800 later, the big white truck is brand new. And for sale. Have I mentioned it's for sale?

The truck being for sale brings me to how amazing my husband is! Since I am now a stay at home Mom our income has been cut in half. To make up for this Andy has gotten a part time job, put his truck up for sale and sacrificed many bottles of New Castle. The only days he has off now are every other Thursday and Friday. I have offered to go back to work, but we both want what's best for Brady and that is him home with his Momma! All this is opening my eyes to how God created man to provide for his family. It's not that Andy feels obligated to do these things. It's that he has a deep need to take care of Brady and I. God is so amazing! Thank you honey for all your sacrifices.

Well... Brady's up from his nap! Have a blessed day everyone!